---------------------------------------------------- This document is an English summary of the Japanese document GETAREA.TXT. ---------------------------------------------------- GETAREA V0.51 -- PCX-File Area Selector * THIS SOFTWARE IS NOT A PUBLIC DOMAIN SOFTWARE. * * COPYRIGHT (C) 1996 BY EIICHIROH ITOH. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.* * PLEASE CONTACT ME (GHC02331@niftyserve.or.jp) TO * * DISTRIBUTE IT TO ANOTHER PLACE. * iPeX and MAPPOT are software created by Brahma (JCG00070@ niftyserve.or.jp). Please refer to the documents bundled with them for their usages. You can run GETAREA without the installation of iPeX and MAPPOT. [Installation] 1. Add GETAREA.EXM to AppManager or MoreEXM. 2. Copy GETAREA.INI to C:\_DAT or A:\_DAT. Open this file by an editor and add your preferred directory after 'D=' as the storage directory for graphic files. Example: D=C:\DATABASE 3. Place GETAREA.ARE (default template file) in this storage directory. 4. Adjust the system setting for the clipboard capacity. 4 KB is enough for most of the applications. (Setup - System - Advanced - Clipboard.) 5. Reboot the system to make these changes take effect. [ Usage ] 1. Press the assigned start key (hot key). 2. Select/Enter the PCX file from the dialog box. 3. The image appears on the screen with target area indicator. 4. Move or resize the area on the screen and press Enter. 5. The information of the selected area is passed onto the clipboard. [ Keys and functions ] ==================== ===================================== Move Arrow, Shift+Arrow, 2, 4, 6, 8 Size Ctrl+Arrow, /, *, -, + Back (previous image) {BS} (Backspace) Next (next image) {TAB} Show key labels {SPACE} (toggle) Show/hide map point Period (.) (toggle) End {Enter} Quit {Esc} ==================== ===================================== Move (move the selected area) is assigned to Arrow keys (coarse movement), Shift+Arrow keys (fine) or numeric keys as follows: 8(]) | 4(;) <-+-> 6(') | 2(>) (The keys in clamps are for coarse movement.) Size (Enlarge or shrink the selected area) is assigned to Ctrl+Arrow keys, /, *, - or + as follows Enlarge horizontally = Ctrl+Right or /(}) Enlarge vertically = Ctrl+Down or *(") Shrink horizontally = Ctrl+Left or -(_) Shrink vertically = Ctrl+Up or +(%) (The keys in clamps are for coarse movement.) {Enter} exits GETAREA and passes the information to other application via the clipboard, while {Esc} quits without writing to the clipboard) [ Initialization file GETAREA.INI ] GETAREA reads the initialization file GETAREA.INI in A:\_DAT or C:\_DAT. Following definition should be written in this file. You should define 'D=' at least. All the other settings are optional. D={Image file directory} Example: D=C:\DATABASE A={Template file directory} Example: A=A:\POOR_MAP Default: same as D= option x={X coordinate for display by IPEX } y={Y coordinate for display by IPEX } c={read(1) or ignore(0) the clipboard at the startup} Default: c=1 (read) s={show(1) or hide(0) the status indicator} Default: s=0 (show) o={Open (1) or skip (0) the file-open dialog box} Default: o=0 (skip) I={PCX file name to open at the startup, coordinates} Format is: I=filename,x-center,y-center,x-upper-left,y-upper-left All the parameters except filename can be skipped. Example: I=GINZA.PCX,,,320,0 Default: no file to open P={Maximum number of PCX files read from the clipboard} Default: P=10 p={maximum number of map points} Default: p=100 T={Maximum number of the template data items} Default: T=100 S={String area for the templates} Default: S=1000 i={ICN filename},x-offset,y-offset Example: i=CROSS,-20,-20 i=SW_POINT,-10,-10 i=arrow,-3,-2 i=arr_n,-41,-12 i=arr_r,-41,-12 Note: After '#' is regarded as a comment and ignored. [ Template file xxxxxx.ARA ] Each PCX file (xxxxxx.PCX) can have its template file (xxxxxx.ARA)which gives a set of function keys to the image. Function keys works as follows: 1. Display other PCX image 2. Write information to the clipboard and exit. Note: If the template file is not found for a PCX file, the default template file GETAREA.ARA is used. 1. Display other PCX Format: F=Number!Label,filename,X-center,Y-center,X-upper-left,Y-upper- left Example: F=1!AKIBA.PCX,320,100 Example: F=1!SW_TOKYO.PCX,160,50,320,100 2. Write information to the clipboard Format: F=Number,Label,Content[,Keycode...] Number is a function key number 0 to 9 (F10 is denoted by 0) For content you can use following notations: Constants: {cr} Carriage Return (Character code=13) {lf} Line Feed (Character code=10) {tab} TAB character {comma} ',' {curly} '{' Variables: {file} file name of the PCX file (without the extension) {path} full path name of the PCX file {cx}, {CX} X coordinate of the center of the selected area {cy}, {CY} Y coordinate of the center of the selected area {w}, {W} The width of the selected area {h}, {H} The height of the selected area {left}, {LEFT} X coordinate of the upper left corner of the selected area {top}, {TOP} Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the selected area {right}, {RIGHT} X coordinate of the lower right corner of the selected area {bot}, {BOT} Y coordinate of the lower right corner of the selected area {ix}, {IX} X coordinate for display by iPeX {iy}, {IY} Y coordinate for display by iPeX {iw}, {IW} Width for display by iPeX {ih}, {IH} Height for display by iPeX A variable written in capitals is filled by leading zeroes to adjust to 3-digit width (Example: 023 for 23). Increments or decrements can be specified as {cx+5} or {iy-2}. Samples of templates: - MPT;{file},{CX}{CY} (MAPPOT parameters) - %@P@{file},{IX}{IY}/{LEFT}{TOP}{IW}{IH}+2; (iPeX Data string) - x={left}{cr}y={top}{cr} (GETAREA initialization) 3. Assign Keystrokes for function keys Format: K=Number,Keycode... When a function key is pressed, it ignites following process. o String is written to the clipboard according to the instruction under 'F='. o Exit GETAREA o Keystrokes are automatically executed according to the instruction under 'K='. You can also use keycode field in 'F=' line. But, since it is limited in space, you will better use 'K=' option. Maximum keystrokes are 16. Example: K=0,400022473E00D60044004400 o 4000 = {F6} (Subset) o 2247 = G (GETAREA subset) o 3E00 = {F4} (Edit) o D600 = {Paste} o 4400 = {F10} (OK) o 4400 = {F10} (OK) [ Reading the clipboard at the startup ] GETAREA recognizes following format at the startup. ARA:PCX-file,[X],[Y],[ICN-file],[Label],[Label-X],[Label-Y] PCX-file Name of the PCX file to display X X-coordinate of the map point Y X-coordinate of the map point ICN-file Name of the ICN file for the map point Label Label of the map point Label-X X-coordinate of the Label (+ or - for offset) Label-Y Y-coordinate of the Label (+ or - for offset) MPT:PCX-file[,XXXYYY[,[ICN-file],[Label]]] MAP:PCX-file[,XXXYYY[,[ICN-file],[Label]]] PCX:PCX-file[,XXXYYY[,[ICN-file],[Label]]] XXXYYY Coordinate by Mappot Example: * MPT;SW_TOKYO,584045,sample6,Aoto * ARA:SW_TOKYO,584,045,sample6,Aoto Both works the same. It displays SW_TOKYO.PCX (Tokyo subway map by Gamera), SAMPLE6.ICN at (584,45) and Label "Aoto" at (589,49). * ARA:SW_TOKYO,584,045,sample6,Aoto,+2,-10 The same as above, except that the label is displayed in the upper left direction of the icon. [ Copyright, Disclaimer, Distribution Policy and others ] o The copyright of the program in this package is owned by Eiichiroh Itoh (GHC02331@niftyserve.or.jp). o The author is not responsible for any damages which may be caused by the use of, or inability to use, the program in this package. The author has no obligation to fix any defects in the program. o The bug reports and requests are welcome on NIFTY-Serve, the FHPPC forum Section 7, or by e-mail. o Redistribution of this package is prohibited. o No change should be made to the EXM file. o Those who would like to redistribute the program in this package should contact the author first. o Those who would like to write about this program in publications other than magazines should contact the author first. GETAREA Copyright (C) 1996, Eiichiroh Itoh